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You will find teachings geared to Christians who know they are in the terminal generation. You will find videos about consumer issues, the role of politics in the church, prophecy in the church, exorcism and deliverance in the church, stepparenting in families, motivational talks, encouragement for generation x, terminal generation, those who are process grief, politics, social commentary, biblical commentary, racism. Some will be humorous, some serious, some borderline but all meant to help you learn.

Jun 29, 2021


{Part 4 of 4} Christopher concludes the article by Ron Deal, "Stepparenting:  It Takes Two" with discussion and practical experiences centered around understanding that you as a stepparent need to recognize the losses of your stepchildren.  This section is eye-opening and will help you see the needs of...

Jun 22, 2021


{Part 3 of 4} Christopher continues to share the article by Ron Deal, "Stepparenting:  It Takes Two".  The discussion goes into some key points to remember when entering into a stepparent relationship.  You must learn to be self-aware about what you are not.  Your level of selfawareness in this area will keep you from...

Jun 15, 2021


{Part 2 of 4} Christopher continues the discussion of "Stepparenting:  It Takes Two" by Ron Deal.  Original article can be found here - click here  Christopher continues this segment with the discussion of disciplinary parenting roles established by Ron Deal and the importance of making your marriage a priority.  Be...

Jun 8, 2021


{Part 1 of 4} - Christopher shares some insights from article by Ron Deal. The article is titled, "Stepparenting:  It Takes Two".  In this segment we will discuss what is means to grow into your role as a stepparent.  We will start the discussion on discipline from Mr. Deal perspective.  He assigns 3 possible safe...

Jun 1, 2021


Review of the article written by Emma Green, "T. D. Jakes on How White Evangelicals Lost Their Way" - Read article - click here

You don't have to read between the lines to see where this article was going.  Thomas Dexter Jakes, Sr. is continuing to push his agenda of racism.  It is a veiled message that is sad to...