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You will find teachings geared to Christians who know they are in the terminal generation. You will find videos about consumer issues, the role of politics in the church, prophecy in the church, exorcism and deliverance in the church, stepparenting in families, motivational talks, encouragement for generation x, terminal generation, those who are process grief, politics, social commentary, biblical commentary, racism. Some will be humorous, some serious, some borderline but all meant to help you learn.

Dec 29, 2021


Christopher and wife, Kathryn discuss the latest controversy over President Trump and his statements about Covid.  The controversy continues as Candace Owens, Officer Tatum, and Bill O'Reilly are helping the powers that be continue to keep President Trump silenced.  President Trump was on an interview with Candace...

Dec 18, 2021


When Republicans? When will you stand up and fight for us. This is the time where you are supposed to do your job. I want you to see that the Republicans are responsible for the country being under the control of Biden. You cannot ignore what they are not doing. It's obvious that the Republicans are working together...

Dec 18, 2021


Audio - David and Nabal. David was obedient to God and Nabal did not respect the things of God. Just some quick thoughts.

Podcast intro and outro from Jeremy Marsan and link to  476070__jjmarsan__hello-user-bright-cheery-intro-music; Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0)

Dec 17, 2021


Video - David and Nabal.  David was obedient to God and Nabal did not respect the things of God.  Just some...

Dec 12, 2021


Thank You!  I really do appreciate you listening and watching my content.  I am grateful to be alive and grateful for you taking the time to listen to my thoughts.

Podcast intro and outro from Jeremy Marsan and link to  476070__jjmarsan__hello-user-bright-cheery-intro-music; Attribution 3.0...