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You will find teachings geared to Christians who know they are in the terminal generation. You will find videos about consumer issues, the role of politics in the church, prophecy in the church, exorcism and deliverance in the church, stepparenting in families, motivational talks, encouragement for generation x, terminal generation, those who are process grief, politics, social commentary, biblical commentary, racism. Some will be humorous, some serious, some borderline but all meant to help you learn.

Dec 4, 2024

In this thought-provoking episode of Radiant Fire Radio, Christopher delves into the significance of personal integrity in today's world. As exposure reveals true character, Christopher encourages listeners to walk in honesty and purity, emphasizing that integrity ultimately leads to a life free from shame and guilt. This episode serves as a powerful reminder that the little guy, the person doing the right thing, always wins in the end. Tune in to explore the freedom that comes from living a guilt-free life and the rewards of staying true to oneself. Listen as Christopher shares.