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You will find teachings geared to Christians who know they are in the terminal generation. You will find videos about consumer issues, the role of politics in the church, prophecy in the church, exorcism and deliverance in the church, stepparenting in families, motivational talks, encouragement for generation x, terminal generation, those who are process grief, politics, social commentary, biblical commentary, racism. Some will be humorous, some serious, some borderline but all meant to help you learn.

Jan 28, 2020

president trump

Special announcement President Trump announced his plans for a 2 State Solution.  The United States will leave Israel in the days ahead.  End Time Prophecy is being fulfilled right before our eyes.




Jan 28, 2020

step parents logo

(Podcast) Part 4 of 4, This discussion of parenting with biological and step-parents talks about the nature of the desire of children always trends toward the biological parent, whether they are in the child’s life or not. The needs of the child outweigh the needs of the parent and step-parents need to...

Jan 27, 2020

step parents logo

(Podcast) Part 3 of 4.  Christopher & Kathryn share on the barriers that had to be broken in order to develop a relationship with our children.  In the life of a step-parent the biological parents play a key role in integration.  As a step-parent you have to rely upon the biological parents knowledge of your children...

Jan 26, 2020

step-parents logo

(Podcast) Part 2 of 4, Christopher & Kathryn share their experiences with their blended family.  Christopher being the step-parent, Kathryn being the biological.  Kathryn shares on how hard it was to integrate Christopher as a step-parent into the family.  Christopher shares on the many mistakes that he made about the...

Jan 25, 2020

step-parents logo

(Podcast) Working Together - Part 1 of 4.  It is vitally important for your family to work together.  Christopher & Kathryn share their experiences with blending their family as they collaborate on parenting.  Kathryn shares what happens and the changes that occur as Christopher steps into their world.  We share some...