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You will find teachings geared to Christians who know they are in the terminal generation. You will find videos about consumer issues, the role of politics in the church, prophecy in the church, exorcism and deliverance in the church, stepparenting in families, motivational talks, encouragement for generation x, terminal generation, those who are process grief, politics, social commentary, biblical commentary, racism. Some will be humorous, some serious, some borderline but all meant to help you learn.

Oct 26, 2021


If you haven't checked out the Blaze News Network, I encourage you to check them out.  They have a commitment to truth that I believe all news networks need to be committed to it.  Just my opinion.  Here is a link - click here.

Podcast intro and outro from Jeremy Marsan and link to

Oct 26, 2021


Well, you all have been missed and I am glad that you have hung in there during my absence.  I cannot wait to share some of the things that are upon my heart.  My family was attacked by Covid-19 and I got it.  Listen as I share briefly on my experience.   More truth will be coming your way.

Podcast intro and outro...

Oct 21, 2021


Sermon - We are talking about the truth that will help you survive your Christian walk.  More of the Body of Christ needs to understand that you are going to suffer for Christ.  You may not be martyred but you may encounter hardships and trials that will in the end make you a stronger person.  Listen at...

Oct 18, 2021


Sermon where we talk about keeping your focus on God during these difficult times.  We all need each other and we need to not be so focused on our circumstances that we cannot remember the promises that God has given to us. 

We’ve had some tribulations, but our ground is good and we are able to make through these...

Oct 17, 2021


Sermon where we talk about the importance of "Staying Close to Him" The cry of the Lord in this hour, is for us to stay close to Him, don’t allow yourself to drift away from His Presence.

There are many temptations surfacing in this season and the Spirit is warning that there is a danger of falling out of His perfect...