Jun 29, 2019
Interview by Rev. Christopher Gore with Rev. Mark Johnson & Rev. Elaine Betts. This interview will highlight the ministry that is going on on some streets in Delaware towards the homeless of Delaware. Rev. Mark & Rev. Elaine share some of their experiences with the Church and how the Church has responded to...
Jun 27, 2019
Rev. Christopher Gore of the Lighthouse Inc., Church shares on how the many leaders have taken on the attitude of the prodigal’s brother. They don't have the Father's heart. Breaking the mindsets of the Prodigals Brothers looks at Luke 15: 25 - 32 and it shows the Prodigals older brother. This older brother...
Jun 22, 2019
Rev. Christopher Gore continues on with Part 2 of this message. The discussion continues with more in depth understanding of globalism and how the Wall that President Trump is working to build goes against the plans of Globalism. Then it is explained how these plans all tie together under the anitchrist spirit. God has...
Jun 22, 2019
There has been an agenda in motion since the Tower of Babel to be united as one people, one nation, & one voice. Because of man’s sinful, broken nature that desire to be one people, one nation, & one voice has been used by the enemy to stand directly in God’s face and proclaim that we do not need Him. Globalism, the...
Jun 22, 2019
Rev. Christopher Gore completes Part 2 of 2 of the message Preparing the World for the Beasts of Revelation 13. In Part 2 we briefly discuss more technologies that are in use today that will be used for the Beasts of Revelation 13. Virtual reality, Fantasy TV, Voice recognition technologies, Siri, Google, Smart homes,...